Update February 10: Each for All: The Co-operative Connection tied with Girls Rock Camp Vancouver after voting by CCEC members at last night's AGM.  It was great to meet in person so many CCEC members who also belong to Vancouver Co-operative Radio.  Thank you to CCEC for the evening, and for the award and prize!

Each for All: The Co-operative Connection (on air 8-9 pm on Tuesdays) has been nominated and shortlisted for the Roger Inman Memorial Award for Community Economic Development. If you are a CCEC Credit Union member, attend the CCEC Annual General Meeting on February 9th and vote for Each for All and Co-op Radio. The Award comes with a $1,000 prize. 

“The Roger Inman Memorial Award is given annually to a CCEC Credit Union Member in recognition of a project that has made a significant contribution to the economic development of the community.” (CCEC)

Also shortlisted this year are Girls Rock Camp, and Groundswell Coffee Roasters. Past recipients include: No One is Illegal, Groundswell Grassroots Economic Alternatives, Red Fox Healthy Living Society, and Discovery Organics.

Each for All’s focus on educating and spreading the word about co-operative and social economy organizations qualified the show to be nominated for this annual award from CCEC. Co-op Radio banks with CCEC, a requirement for nomination. Each for All also provides air time for monthly check-ins from housing, co-ops, finance (credit unions), health, arts, worker co-ops, and agriculture sectors. These segments inform listeners about what is happening with each of the co-ops specifically, as well as what co-ops are and what they are doing.

Co-op Radio's co-operative structure also contributed to this nomination by embodying co-operative principles in our decision making, staff collective structure, volunteer governance structures, volunteer programming, and because Co-op Radio CFRO exists through the economic participatio of its members. We are also identified as an independent media source which supports the work of other co-ops especially through Each for All, and where our programming demonstrates our sincere concern for our communities. The training Co-op Radio offers its members was also cited in the nomination. 
Each for All programmers Robin Puga, Dale McGladdery, Josh Peterman, Kevin Olenick, Sandy Goldman, Sharon Jessiman, Danielle Carr, and Paul Macdonald are excited about this nomination. A couple of them have made an announcement to encourage CCEC members to attend their AGM and vote for them. You can listen to it here. You can tell they had fun doing it. 
Co-op Radio and Each for All will be tabling at the reception from 6 - 7 on February 9 at CCEC at 2248 Commercial Drive. Voting for the Roger Inman Award will take place as CCEC members go into the business part of the CCEC AGM at 7 pm. See you there! 
Each For All: The Co-operative Connection

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