A Love of Community Radio

Peter Grant was a long-time volunteer and former Programming Coordinator at CFRO - Vancouver Co-op Radio, as well as a board of director at CRES.
His partner, Hildi Westerkamp says: "Peter loved everything about Co-op Radio.” He was most passionate about music and culture, and Peter would record live performances across the city, and later broadcast the recordings from the radio station.
When Peter passed away in 2014, under Hildi’s guidance, a portion of his estate was used to establish The Peter Grant Memorial Fund for Music and Cultural Programming through CRES. Because of their generosity and foresight, the fund makes it possible for a new generation of radio programmers to record and broadcast music, sound art, and spoken word performances by local artists, who otherwise would have limited opportunities to find their audiences across the Lower Mainland. 

Join the Radio Forever Legacy Fund

If you would like to make a lasting impact like Hildi and Peter, consider joining the Radio Forever Fund, and set aside a portion of your estate so that future generations can keep the power of community radio and podcasting alive.

Sample Will Wording

A legacy gift names CFRO in your will. The most important thing is to use our proper legal name and charitable registration number in your will: Community Radio Education Society, Charity No. 11887 1086 RR0001.
You can leave a specific amount (an unrestricted bequest) in your will with wording such as this:
“I bequeath to the Community Radio Education Society, Charity No. 11887 1086 RR0001 at 370 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 4J1, the sum of  $_____  to be used for its general purposes."
Or a residual bequest:
“I bequeath to the Community Radio Education Society, Charity No. 11887 1086 RR0001 at #370 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 4J1, __% of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

Legacy Confirmation Form

If you decide to leave a legacy, or if you have already written us into your will, we encourage you to fill out our LEGACY GIFT CONFIRMATION FORM at the bottom of this webpage, so we can thank you today and ensure we honour your wishes in the future.
For more information please contact:
Bryan McKinnon
Executive Director
Direct: 604-684-8494 x 226
Legacy Confirmation Form Co-op Radio Cres Oct 2019.pdf336.68 KB