Women in Technology Training Program
Presented by Vancouver Co-operative Radio.

We are pleased to announce that the Step Up and Solder Program and its waitlist are both full.
Thank you for your applications and interest. We are considering running the program again in the future.

In the meantime, check out this page for updates about the program!



Phase One: Introduction to Audio Technology and Electronics

The Women in Technology training program is run through the Technical Department at Co-op Radio. The program provides women with the opportunity to learn and practice technical skills for the purpose of increasing opportunities for employment. The workshop leaders are women-identifying staff at Co-op Radio. We encourage anyone who believes that this is a good learning environment for them to apply to the program. We host an anti-oppressive, trans* friendly, and open environment and we will ensure that this is maintained.

Participants are required to attend ALL 9 sessions. Each session is 3 hours and takes place on Thursdays from 1-4pm at Co-op Radio. Phase Two begins in September. You must pass the final test to enter Phase Two Mentorship Training.

How to Apply:
Please email technician@coopradio.orgto reserve your place in the workshop series by Sunday June 21st at midnight. Please include the following in your email application:

1.     Name

2.     Why you’re interested in the program.

3.     What you hope to take away from the program.

4.     Are you interested in the PHASE 2 Mentorship phase? (this will provide more in-depth training, hands-on experience, and projects. Participants will receive an honorarium for phase 2.)

You will receive confirmation of your place in the workshop by Monday June 22nd.

Thursdays 1pm-4pm

Thursday July 2nd: Introduction to program; Electronics basics; Learning the tools

Thursday July 9th: Learn cabling & connectors; Wire stripping and Soldering

Thursday July 16th: Wire crimping & Tinning; Cable Management; the Technical Workplace

Thursday July 23rd: Troubleshooting tutorial, Building XLR Cables

Thursday July 30th: Building ¼”, Mini Jacks and RCAs

Thursday August 6th: Headphones and Input Jacks

Thursday August 13th: Patch Panels and Installation

Thursday August 20th: Maintenance and Repair

Thursday August 27th: Resume/Career Prep/Final Testing


Thanks to Vancity for their support of this program!