First Nations Health Managers Association (FNHMA) presents a new series of Virtual Town Halls designed to get credible Covid 19 information to Indigenous front line health workers, health managers and Indigenous communities nationally. The virtual town hall series starts this Thursday, September 24 from 10am - 11am PDT / 1:00pm - 2:00pm weekly, EDT and happens every Thursday at 10:00am PDT / 1:00pm, EDT, till December 3, 2020. The town halls will be streamed at and on Vancouver Co-op Radio's Facebook Page The town halls will feature medical experts, Indigenous leaders, health managers and be hosted by Marion Crowe, CEO, FNHMA.

The town halls will be streamed at and on Vancouver Co-op Radio's Facebook Page The town halls will feature medical experts, Indigenous leaders, health managers and be hosted by Marion Crowe, CEO, FNHMA.
The first Town Hall will feature:
  • ·      Dr. Evan Adams, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Public Health, Indigenous Services Canada
  • ·      Mary Deleary, Training and Education Manager, Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
  • ·      Marika Nadeau, Director, General COVID-19 Task Force, Health Canada
  • ·      Adrianne Lee, Design Research, Canadian Digital Services
  • ·      Hosted and Moderated by Marion Crowe, CEO, FNHMA
Join us at, and also on Facebook live every Thursday at 10:00am PDT / 1:00pm, EDT.
For more information go to IHTODAY.CA or FNHMA.CA