Co­-op Radio's commitment to providing a broadcast platform for underrepresented language groups was recognized and rewarded Nov. 20 at the B.C. Multicultural Awards Event at the Hotel Vancouver. 
Meghrig Sulahian of the Armenian Variety Show, and board member Henry Mwandemere, also a programmer on African Vibes, proudly accepted the Multicultural Award (Organization) for 2015 on behalf of Co-­op Radio (one of five awards presented that night).
The award includes $5,000, which will be used to finance Co­-op Radio's training programs in broadcast skills for the diverse communities that are represented at the station. This is done through our parent organization, the Community Radio Education Society (CRES). 
"Every organization here tonight is just as deserving as Co­-op Radio of receiving this award," Mwandemere said. "At present, we have 90 shows, and each serves a community of listeners on air. Co­op Radio’s programmers are a true reflection of this diversity of today’s world."
"All of us are volunteers and the station relies on listener support to operate," Ms. Sulahian said. "We thank the B.C. Multicultural Awards for the financial contribution that accompanies this award, which will help us to continue to serve our communities and yours.”
Co-­op Radio's Facebook and Twitter pages have been alive with congratulatory posts;and tweets all weekend. Director of Member Services Pamela Bentley posted:;"The shows that represent and serve many communities in many languages, the;programmers on all kinds of shows, the music played all over our schedule, the news we;cover, the artists we have on as guests to share their work and talk about their projects ­­all are a part of the multi­culture of Vancouver Co­-op Radio CFRO, which is truly a community of communities, the voices of Vancouver. I am proud and grateful to be part of it."
The British Columbia Multicultural Awards (previously known as the Provincial Nesika Awards) were first held in 2008. The name was changed this year to better reflect the purpose of the awards and to promote multiculturalism. The multicultural awards recognize individuals, organizations and businesses whose exceptional work helps bring diverse cultures together by embracing diversity and promoting multiculturalism.
Nominees selected for an award are chosen by an independent panel of judges with expertise in multiculturalism and anti­racism. Other recipients were: Henry Yu (Individual), Nana’s Kitchen & Hot Sauces Ltd. (Business), Crecien Bencio (Youth), and the Royal B.C. Museum (Government).
Photo caption: Henry Mwandemere of African Vibes (left) and Meghrig Sulahian of the Armenian Variety Show (centre), representing Co-­op Radio, receive the B.C. Multicultural Award (Organization) from Deputy International Trade Minister Shannon Baskerville (right) at a gala event at the Hotel Vancouver Nov. 20. (Photo courtesy Government of B.C.)