Celebrate 46 years of community radio in Vancouver with live music, interviews and reflection on how CFRO has grown through the years!
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Listen @ 100.5 FM on the radio dial in the Lower Mainland and slightly beyond!
Performances by:
Beastie - Hailing from East Vancouver, Beastie’s music is a vocally driven eccentrically costumed blend of old country, blues, dirty folk, honky tonk and heartbreak with a sense of humour. @musicbeastie on Instagram, and facebook.com/musicbeastie for facebook
Dusty Chipura - Formerly of Vancouver punk band Kill Matilda and currently playing in all-girl old timey band The Hillbettys, will be performing original music on acoustic guitar and banjo.
DJ Su Comandante
+ Special Guests
Interviews by:
Gunargie O'Sullivan