• Wednesday 9am-12pm

The essence of "classical" music is, nearly always, to disturb you. It is emphatically not Muzak; it is not "relaxing" background noise. Yeah, music is beautiful but it's not just pretty saccharine sounds or a nice Hummel figurine. If music doesn't disturb us in some way, if it just mindlessly repeats received conventions, then something is deeply wrong.

So: Composed music from all over the world, from 25 centuries ago to works premiered this morning. Familiar works in extraordinary performances; special rarely-heard music; comparisons of performers, styles, and traditions with context from history, politics, art, philosophy, science, and culture; and the occasional live concert -- all presented in a somewhat mad style.

The station archive is user-hostile; you can download complete Beethoven 9 shows from this list.
Playlists may be a bit cryptic, but you'll figure them out.

(Sometimes the broadcast will have the end of the show brutally hacked off. Don't panic! The complete show will be posted here!)

  coming soon! - some live Casals Schumann, Schubert ● hair-raising Bohm complete concert beethoven egmont, 4, 7 ● some amazing Bach organ ● astonishing Brahms 4 abendroth 1928 ● wagner wesendonck flagstad beecham
  download links:
yr month day
coming soon! - some astounding B9s! ● Gladkov Return of Ulysses ● higdon str quartet 'southern harmony' ● schnittke komissarin ● vasks sym for strings ● some splendid live concerts by the Australian Chamber Orch
  2021 09 29 coming soon! - hovhaness sym 21 ● beethoven missa solemnis szell live ● frank martin mass ● scriabin sym 1 golovanov
  2021 09 22 coming soon! - casals brahms sextet 1, pno trio 1 ● marriner: bridge enter spring, foulds april-england, bridge summer, bax november woods ● havergal brian sym 28 ● piston sym 5
  2021 09 15 schnittke ritual jansons ctgebouw live 2009 ● beethoven qrt op.132 griller qrt ● bartok music string perc celesta kegel ● BORIS tchaikovsky sym 2 fedoseyev ● shostakovich execution of stepan razin kegel
  2021 09 08 grace williams sea sketches ● vaughan williams sea sym hickox live, serenade to music 2x: wood 1938, hickox 1995 ● ethel smyth str qrt ● e- arnold english dances groves
  2021 09 01 dvorak cello cto fournier scherchen 1962 ● strauss don Q tchaikovskaya annamamedov ● elgar cello cto tchaikovskaya again ● bach cello ste 2 demenga ● villa-Lobos bachianas brasileiras 1 kondrashin ● dessau bach vars
  2021 08 25 tippett qrt 2 lindsay qrt ● complete live concert w Mullova, Wispelwey, Bezuidenhout (Beethoven vln, vlc sons, Schubert trio 2) ● Vasks vla cto ● Sestak sym 3
  2021 08 18 koechlin heures persanes (orchestral ver) ● bartok violin concerto (+ ligeti 2 dances) kopatchinksaya live 2015 ● carmen basacopal cto for harp, timps & string orch ● sauguet mirages
  2021 08 11 zelenka te deum 1711 luks ● dvorak 8 harnoncourt VPO 2004 ● janacek jealousy ovr mackerras pro arte + qrt 1 tognetti arr str orch +pohadka bylsma ● smetana qrt 1 flonzaley ● martinu qrt 3 prazak + sym 5 norrington (all live except smetana)
  2021 08 04 vaughan williams xmas carol fant stokowski live ● brahms clarinet qnt brymer allegri ● tippett cto double string orch belohlavek live ● wordsworth sym 8 ● holst rig veda choral hymns ● elgar sym 1 boult 1976
  2021 07 28 beethoven 3 ● piano cto 4 kempff ● brahms 4 (live 1950) ● shchedrin stalin cocktail ● vaughan williams 4 rozhdestvensky 2012
  2021 07 21 bach art of fugue ristenpart ● beethoven great fugue furtwangler live 1954 ● mahler 5 kondrashin danish RSO live 1975
  2021 07 14 jokes in haydn sym 68 & 93 ● haydn cello cto in C, du pre LA chamber orch foster live 1967 ● danielpour cello cto ● vaughan williams hodie
  2021 07 07 complete Savall orch concert: Marais Alcyone, Bach suite 4, Corelli Folia, Handel Fireworks Lundquist sym 7 In Memoriam Dag Hammarskjold Ravel piano trio orch'd Y-P Tortelier
  2021 06 30 brahms ballades gilels 1977 ● tippett 4-horn son tuckwell ● krek horn cto ● dallapiccola partita noseda 2010 live ● malipiero pantea, maderna cond 1965 live ● respighi roman fountains, pines, festivals sinopoli NYPO
  2021 06 23 beethoven piano sons op.109,110,111 badura-skoda ● strauss zarathustra mitropoulos concertgebouw live ● barber agnus dei corydon ● wagner gotterdammerung furtwangler scala live ● copland sym 3 bernstein tanglewood live
  2021 06 09 ravel gaspard orch constant ● stephan mus for orch; mus 7 strings, pno, hrp; music for vln-orch ● weinberg pno quintet; violin concerto ● tomasi symphonie tiers-monde
  2021 06 02 Furtwangler: sibelius en saga 1943 live, wagner tristan prel-liebestod 1942, beethoven coriolan 1943, syms 3, 4, 5 (1944, 1943, 1943 all live)
  2021 05 26 mozart clarinet cto collegium aureum ● brahms cl qnt capucon bros ● shostakovich sym 15 kondrashin munich 1972 live ● aho sym 15 ● walton troilus cressida (chaucer) ste
  2021 05 19 weinberg sym 21 'kaddish' grazinyte-tyla ● beethoven quartets op 132, 135 played by paganini qrt (1950s) ● walton henry V concert ver marriner live
  2021 05 12 santos rainy may muses sextet ● furtwangler pno qnt (clarens quintet) ● mahler 2 bernstein, washington live concert against nuclear arms
  2021 05 05 alwyn lyra angelica alwyn conducting ● el-khoury november in my soul nov 2015 live ● mozart sym 31 paris harnoncourt ● ravel violin & cello sonata kopatchinskaya gabetta live ● trunk quartet in a- ● karayev in the path of thunder suite 2
  2021 04 28 kats-chernin cto for 8 basses 'the witching hour' live ● beatrice rana 2019 recital: chopin etudes II, ravel miroirs, stravinsky firebird, 2 chopin prels ● debussy cello son arr string orch live ● havergal brian cello cto, sym 9 (groves)
  2021 04 21 raihala ardbeg (tone poem) ● brahms piano qnt denk, members of st paul CO live ● dvorak cello cto casals schneider live ● smetana vlast ancerl boston SO 1969 live (with audible thunderstorm in last half)
  2021 04 14 ravel quartet lener rec.1933 ● martinon qrt 'ravel' ● martinon cond: ravel tombeau de couperin boston SO live 1965 ● stravinsky petrouchka, sibelius en saga chicago SO 1965 live ● heather schmidt sym 1 'manufactured landscapes'
  2021 04 07 vasks cello cto ● complete jerusalem qrt 2018 concert: janacek qrt 1, schulhoff 5 pieces, dvorak qrt 13 ● dvorak te deum elder CSO 2009 live ● janacek glagolitic mass orig ver janowski, with comparison of janacek's original and revised versions
  - - more older shows coming, too! --------
Email me with requests for earlier shows that aren't on this list, or anything else that interests you!
To fool spambots collecting addresses (we get a lot of spam), assemble these parts in the obvious way:

west coast classics <=== as one word, without the spaces
the famous little round thing with an a in the middle (on a standard English keyboard, it's above the number between 1 and 3) 
coopradio <=== just use these parts ===> .org

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  Spammers: I hope you get nothing but socks for xmas.
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