“Artspeak Radio Digest”
Tuesdays, 9–10pm PST on CFRO-FM 100.5 Vancouver Co-op Radio

As an audio journal, Artspeak Radio Digest is an expanded approach to our publishing program. In the true form of a digest, over the next several weeks of ARD: Proximities, we will be hosting many exceptional artists, writers, artsworkers and musicians. All of who maintain an interdisciplinary practice and work with sound, voice, publishing, and writing. 

For the duration of PROXIMITIES—we’re very excited to be introducing—Hannah Jickling and Helen Reed of Big Rock Candy Mountain who will be our resident guests on the show presenting Bubble Broadcast. Each week they will be sharing their research as part of their Sleepy Soda project, which will develop a special edition of soda with grade 6 students in Edmonton, Alberta. Each week we feature work by the following artists including Steffanie Ling, Christina Battle, Steve Hubert, Sydney Hermant, dashes & Barbara Lázara, and more. 

As the goal posts keep shifting, and it’s difficult to know when we can gather in ways that feel familiar, we hope to share with you via Artspeak Radio Digest a series that will allow us to share space together in auditory proximity.

Artspeak is a non-profit artist run centre established in 1986. The mandate of the gallery is to encourage a dialogue between visual art and writing.
Artspeak actively contributes to cultural communities through our commitment to artists producing challenging, innovative work in diverse media, our affiliation with like-minded organizations, and the public interest we generate in contemporary art.